Matthew 12:30
“Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.
1 Corinthians 12:27
Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.
Colossians 2:10
and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority.
A life of taking action with the Lord is the basic level of faith that the Lord wants from you. If you live forgetting this as you follow the Lord, then all your joy, hope, and love will completely die.
You need to take action with the Lord. Only then will you be joyful, happy, and filled with hope. You need to take action with the Lord. Only then will you succeed and prosper.
Those who live lives of taking action with the Lord will always win in their lives and in their souls and spirits every day. Those who take action alone have no love, hope, or joy, and the Lord will not be with them either. They are people who have forgotten about the Lord and who have forgotten about taking action with the Lord.
Those who are with the Lord are people whom God and the Holy Spirit are with. God and the Holy Spirit always give revelations and speak to those who are with the Lord. Interpreting the Word and taking action on it is ‘living a victorious life.’
Surely be someone who lives with the Lord. Only then will your wishes come true. Whether in their life of faith or while holding some event, everyone who takes action with the Lord on their side will win.
Doing something with the Lord means doing it with God. No matter who they are, those who take action knowing this fact are filled with joy and hope, and they will succeed and prosper. Regardless of the environment and any difficult circumstances, the history of joy, love, victory, and glory takes place for those who are with the Lord. The Lord has to do things with his beloved people. Only then will the history of joy, love, victory, and glory take place.

Take action with the Lord in reality
The Lord is the head, and you are the body. Those who take action with the Lord without forgetting this Word are people who eat, drink, and rejoice with the Lord. You should never forget that the Lord always repays you according to what you have done and treats you according to what you have said. However, in reality, there are many people who live forgetting this truth.
Don’t just say in words, “We are doing it with the Lord.” You need to take action by first making him your Lord in reality. The Lord is the head and the followers are the hands and feet. Those who take action with the Lord are people who are truly with him.
If you make a promise, you need to take action, no matter what, when the time comes. Only then will that promise be fulfilled! You must make a dwelling place for the Lord in your life and take action with him while serving, liking, and loving him.
The Lord treats you according to your words and actions. You have to do everything with the Lord. It is not a life of theories, but a life of actually serving, liking, and loving the Lord throughout your life. Those who serve the Lord and take action with him can interpret the Holy Spirit’s revelations and the Lord’s secrets. By interpreting those revelations and secrets, they will prosper and thrive! They will gain joy, love, victory, and glory!
Taking action with God, the Holy Spirit, and the Lord is living with God, the Holy Spirit, and the Lord. It is a life that contains only God, the Holy Spirit, and the Lord. Truly, your faith should not end as a mere theory, but you should live with a mentality of only the Lord in your actual daily life! It is to take action with the Lord.
Take action with the Lord. Then you will win. Then it will be glory to God. Make sure to keep the words of the Lord. Then you will prosper and thrive. May you be filled with the Lord’s peace and love.