Matthew 24:44
So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.
Opportunities do not come to just anyone; they come only to those who have set the proper condition before Heaven. Opportunities come to the people who sincerely want to fulfill what they had longed for in the past.
Opportunities do not just come alone. They are always accompanied by other things.
Let’s say you are faced with a good opportunity, but you also have other things to do at the same time. So while doing those other things, you end up losing the opportunity because you failed to center on it.
Even if God gives you an opportunity, you can still lose it if you misjudge the situation.
Opportunities come as if by coincidence. Therefore, you need to empty out your own thoughts and take action while entrusting your thoughts to God.
Although God gives many opportunities, you must take action until the end to see what constitutes as an opportunity. You have to take action until the end to know whether or not you have grabbed and acted upon an opportunity.
Opportunity is the work God is carrying out
You have to do your portion of the work that God is carrying out.
Some opportunities come every day, while others come once in a few weeks or once in a few months. Some come only once a year, once in two years, or once in ten years.
Many people wish for an opportunity, so when it comes to them, they enjoy it. However, there are also times when they miss out on opportunities. Therefore, you need to take action as much as you can at each time.
Don’t try to only take action using a lot of time. Know that you can gain opportunities even with a short amount of time. So take action wisely at each time.

Be prepared and ready to meet the Lord
Today’s main scripture (Matthew 24:44) says, “So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.”
At Jesus’ time, the Samaritan woman also met Jesus by the well at a time she did not expect. But she grabbed the opportunity and fulfilled her wish because she had always prepared and petitioned in the past.
The same is true in this time period.
Everyone lives in a different location and environment, so no one knows when they will meet the Lord. Always be prepared and ready to meet the Lord. Otherwise, you will come to an end without knowing what kind of history has taken place.
Seize opportunities with preparation
Truly, you need to prepare in order to grab an opportunity. The Trinity and the Lord receive glory as much as you prepare.
The Holy Spirit will inspire you to keep the time, so get things done completely at the time you are doing them.
No matter what you do, all of you should be fully prepared wherever you go and get things done when the opportunity comes. Only then will God take action through your body at each time.
The location of the opportunity is the location where God and the Lord move to.
Opportunities come every day, so I hope that you will not miss any opportunities but become rulers of opportunities!
Once you miss the time and opportunity, the next time and opportunity may come after one or three years.
God’s time—the opportunity that God gives—comes like a thief. Therefore, not just anyone can receive that time. We can only prepare for it.
Only those who have prepared can receive the opportunity that comes like a thief. Therefore, you have to always prepare and be ready, and receive the appropriate time.
You should always be preparing so that you will not miss the opportunity. You should wait while preparing and take action as fast as light when the opportunity comes!
And as you take action, you should ask to be able to take action with the Holy Spirit and the Lord.
Opportunities pass by in an instant
An opportunity passes by in an instant. However, if you grab that swiftly passing opportunity, it will not pass at that instant but exist for a period of time. If you seize the opportunity, you can do the things you should do within that opportune time.
I hope that you will realize about God, who takes action like a thief, and always take action in a prepared state.
When something you desire appears, you can grab the opportunity only when you have prepared beforehand. Therefore, I hope that you will prepare your heart, thoughts, body, and deeds in appropriate ways in accordance to your desires.
You must prepare the things that pertain to the things you want, and take action to the end. You are blessed if you do so.
Do not miss the opportunity as you prepare and wait, but become its owner.
I bless you to be full of the love and grace of God, the Holy Spirit, and the Lord.