Romans 8:18

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. 

Sometimes things don’t work out because you should have persevered. Sometimes things don’t work because you failed to do your responsibilities. But there are distinct times when things don’t work out because the Will is somewhere else. That means what you were doing was not in line with God’s Will.

There are times when things don’t work out even though you did your best.

God orchestrates better things for people. He does so in ways that are different from what people expect. He does so because he wants to give something better.

People are not gods. Therefore, they easily run into the wall of not knowing.

If you believe in God deeply, entrust things to God. And do what you have planned together with Him. God will take action in ways that are better and higher than man’s thoughts. Therefore, I hope that you will have 100% faith in God and invest in prayer and in taking action.

Prayer of the Day

To the Lord who protects us every day, we entrust to you the things beyond our understanding and reach. If we do things according to our own thoughts, things will not work out. Please help us receive the blessings you want to give us. We will do our responsibility. If we cannot, then please help us so that we may take action upon the inspirations that you give us. We love you and want to get closer to you.